Business Users

Trusted Decision Making

By ensuring data accuracy, reliability and security, Blindata helps decision-makers work with high-quality data they can trust.



Trusted decision making is essential for any organization that wants to achieve its goals and stay ahead of the competition. Trusted decision making means making informed and effective choices based on reliable and relevant data and information. However, trusted decision making is not easy to achieve in today’s complex and dynamic business environment. Some of the common challenges are:

  • Data quality issues: Poor-quality data can lead to inaccurate or biased decisions that can harm your performance, reputation, or compliance.
  • Data governance issues: Lack of data governance can result in data silos, inconsistency, duplication, or misuse of data across your organization and ecosystem.
  • Data integration issues: Difficulty in accessing, connecting, or analyzing data from different sources and formats can limit your ability to gain insights and make decisions.

Blindata is the data governance platform that helps you overcome these challenges and enable trusted decision making.


Data governance plays a crucial role in building trust in the decision-making process. By ensuring data accuracy, reliability and security, Blindata helps decision-makers work with high-quality data they can trust.


Reducing the risk of errors and misunderstandings: ensure that everyone uses the same definitions, metrics, and formats.

Data Quality

Make it easier to trust the data-driven insights with data that is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

Accessibility & Privacy

Protect data from misuse building trust in the decision-making process, as data is being handled responsibly.


Build trust with regulators and customers, as they can be confident that the organization is following best practices.


Promote transparency by providing clear documentation and explanations of how data is managed and used.

How to

By creating a data inventory, an organization can gain a comprehensive understanding of the data landscape, including the types of data it has, where it is stored, and how it is used. The main advantage is that it can help establish ownership and accountability for data assets. By documenting who owns and manages each data asset, stakeholders can be confident that the data is being managed responsibly and that there is accountability for any issues or errors that may arise.

Blindata Data Catalog and Stewardship modules can help document data assets and responsabilities across the organization.

Data lineage is the process of tracking and documenting the sources, transformations, and destinations of data as it moves through an organization’s systems and processes. By understanding the data lineage, an organization can improve confidence in its data by ensuring that data is accurate, complete, and trustworthy. Data lineage provides a comprehensive view of the data flow within the organization, which helps stakeholders to understand how data is used and how it is transformed. This information is critical for making informed decisions and for ensuring that the organization is using high-quality data.

Blindata Data Lineage features can speed up the documentation process by reverse engineering the underlying transformations.

High-quality data is essential for data-driven innovation. By ensuring the quality of data through monitoring practices, organizations can increase trust in their data and facilitate the development of new products and services that rely on data.

Blindata Data Quality module can help to build a shared data quality culture.

It is important to assign clear and consistent responsibilities for data assets across the organization. Responsibilities define who is accountable for the outcomes and impacts of data-related decisions and actions. By establishing responsibilities for data assets, organizations can foster a culture of trust and transparency around data.

Blindata Data Stewardship module can help to achieve accountability for your data assets.